Caliver Drill – Begins with loaded caliver at Shoulder your Piece
Unshoulder Your Piece (two motions)
In the Left Hand Take Your Piece
Take Your Match in Your Right Hand
Blow Your Match
Cock Your Match
Try Your match
Blow Your Match (covering pan with two fingers)
Open Your Pan
Present Your Piece
Give Fire
Take Down Your Piece
Uncock Your Match
Return Your Match to Your Left Hand
Blow Out the Pan and Take Hold of Your Priming Flask
Prime Your Pan
Close Your Pan
Shake Off Loose Powder
Blow Off Loose Powder
Cast About Your Piece to Your Left Side (two motions)
Take Hold of Cartridge or Bottle
Open Your Charge
Charge Your Piece
Draw Out Your Scouring Stick
Shorten Your Scouring Stick
Ram Home Your Charge
Withdraw Your Scouring Stick
Shorten Your Scouring Stick
Replace Your Scouring Stick
Shoulder Your Piece (four distinct motions)